From Global Economic Crisis to Armed Crisis: Changing Regional Inequalities in Ukraine

From Global Economic Crisis to Armed Crisis: Changing Regional Inequalities in Ukraine

Szerző(k): Karácsonyi Dávid, Kostyantyin Mezentsev, Pidgrusnyi Grigorii, Dövényi Zoltán
Évszám: 2014
Folyóirat/tanulmánykötet: Regional Statistics : journal of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 4 (2). pp. 18-39.
ISSN: 2064-8243, 2063-9538 (print)

"Despite the new geopolitical situation caused by the revolution at Maidan in February 2014, little is known about the real economics of Ukraine and its internal spatial disparities. In the survey of regional disparities, data on incomes, employment and unemployment were involved and completed by those on migration and age structure of the population. The spectrum of available data at rayon level is not particularly broad, but this is counterbalanced by the ca. five hundred territorial units that provide a minute picture of the inequalities..." (The Authors)

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