The role of social capital in economic performance of the Ukrainian Entrepreneurs in Czechia

The role of social capital in economic performance of the Ukrainian Entrepreneurs in Czechia

Szerző(k): Kovály Katalin, Dita Čermáková
Évszám: 2016
Folyóirat/tanulmánykötet: ACTA UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE GEOGRAPHICA 51:2 pp. 135-144.

"This article presents the concept of social capital and highlights its use in the economic performance of Ukrainian entrepreneurs in Czechia. The social capital stands as one of the important resources, which can be used by migrant entrepreneurs in creating their own businesses and ethnic economies. The concept of social capital with its different approaches, roles and impact on society is a frequent topic of current scientific debate, particularly in connection with mass immigration to the Western countries..." (Katalin Kovály)

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